Every April, we join Fashion Revolution Week in raising awareness about the many injustices people face everyday within the fashion industry. The truth is — if you wear clothes, you are a part of the fashion industry. Today alone, 1 in 6 people on the planet work in the fashion industry and only 2% receive a living wage, according to Devex.
This week, as we pause and remember what happened at Rana Plaza eight years ago, we want to invite you to join us in asking ourselves and brands — who made my clothes?
When we start to acknowledge that people are always behind what we buy, we believe we will shop more mindfully and connected. Look at the place of origin on the tag; visualize that place. Look at the fibers and research what they actually mean for the environment and the people living in the area the fibers were harvested from. Before your give your dollars, ask the brand questions about the people and the process behind it. There are always people behind it.
So, let's begin here. Valuing the stories of those who made what we buy begins with acknowledging that it is indeed people behind everything we buy. Let's humanize and put faces on every purchase we make. Let's choose to value the who by pausing long enough to acknowledge, ask questions, and shop accordingly.
That, my friends, is the goal.
To get involved with Fashion Revolution Week and send a letter to a brand asking "who made my clothes?": go here.